Phase 5 / 2016 (01.2016 – 09.2016)



The goal of the phase was directed towards the completion of the environmental vulnerability characterization of Bucharest through widening the perspective of analysis and understanding of the causal context, evolution of the Dambovita River geomorphologic system at geological and historical scale.
 In this context, the sub-goals focused on the monitoring of periodical GNSS surveys, tracking the network of markers placed in key sites around the city, together with the geomorphological mapping of the Dâmbovița-Argeș river system, in relation to Danube and Black Sea control factors. To understand how the city’s geomorphological system evolved we had to expand our frame of analysis to the context of Pleistocene-Holocene conditions and to eustatic, tectonic, and climatic control factors which have left traces in four successive eustatic terrace levels. Dâmbovița’s terraces were linked with those of the rivers Argeș and Danube (the Giurgiu – Oltenița sector) through longitudinal and transversal profiles and detailed mapping. Absolute ages were established with optically stimulated luminescence (SAR-OSL) on samples taken from the Dâmbovița, Argeș and Danube terraces. Understanding of Dâmbovița’s natural evolution was further enhanced through sediment analysis and historical mapping. At a historic scale, ever increasing artificiality through the diminishing of green spaces and biodiversity represents a key aspect in increasing the urban environment’s vulnerability through the interruption or disturbance of natural self-regulation circuits. The phase wholly achieved its’ objectives, the results being published or in preparation for publication in 8 ISI journals with high impact factor, two chapters were published by the Springer Publishing House, 3 articles are in international and 11 papers were presented at national and international scientific conferences.

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