Reviste ISI si BDI
Armaș, I. 2012: Multi-criteria vulnerability analysis to earthquake hazard of Bucharest, Romania, Natural Hazards, 63:1129–1156, DOI 10.1007/s11069-012-0209-2
Armaș, I. and Gavriș, A. 2013: Social vulnerability assessment using spatial multi-criteria analysis (SEVI model) and the Social Vulnerability Index (SoVI model) – a case study for Bucharest, Romania, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 13, 1481-1499, doi:10.5194/nhess-13-1481-2013.
Armas, I., Toma, D., Gheorghe, D. 2015: Seismic loss estimates for buildings in Bucharest’s historic centre in case of another 1977 Vrancea Earthquake. Forum Geografic. Studii și cercetări de geografie și protecția mediului, XIV,1:5-13,
Bostenaru Dan, M. et al. 2013: The impact of hazards on the urban tissue – 3-D representation and digital databases, Adv. Geosci., 35, 45–53, 2013, doi:10.5194/adgeo-35-45-2013
Gheorghe, D., Armaş, I. 2015: GIS based decision support system for seismic risk in Bucharest. Case study – the historical centre. Journal of Engineering Studies and Research JESR, vol. 21, nr. 3, pp. 35-42,
Gheorghe, D., Armaş, I. 2015: Morphodynamics of the Dambovita floodplain using diachronic analysis, Geopolitics, History and International Relations, 7 (1), ISSN 1948-9145, e-ISSN 2374-4383, pp. 54-64, indexată CEEOL, EBSCO, IBSS, ProQuest
Nenciu Posner C & Armas I 2014: Conceptual approaches concerning risk, vulnerability and adaptation p. 7-24. Revista Riscuri si catastrofe. An XIII, Vol 15, Nr. 2/2014. Casa Cartii de Stiinta, Cluj Napoca. web:
Bostenaru Dan M.,ArmasI. 2015: Earthquake impact on settlements: the role of urban and structural morphology, Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 15(10), 2283-2297, doi:10.5194/nhess-15-2283-2015, Factor de impact: 2.168
Armas I., Toma-Danila D., Ionescu R., Gavris A. (2016). Quantitative population loss assessment: Seismic scenarios for Bucharest using 2002 census data. GI_FORUM Journal, Vol. 1, pp. 30-40, doi 10.1553/giscience2016_01_s30.
Gabriela OSACI-COSTACHE, Octavian COCOȘ, Armaş, I., Alina COCOȘ (2016), Cultural Landscapes in Historical Cartography: Landscape Gardens in the “Green” Bucharest of 1789, Journal of Environmental and Tourism Analyses,Vol. 4. 1 (2016) 30-55.
ArmaşI., Toma D., Gavris Al. Expressing the human vulnerability index to earthquake hazards at urban scale. The Bucharest experience, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction - Elsevier (in press)
Hanger S., Linnerooth-Bayer J., Lorant A., Surminski S., Armaş I., Nenciu C., Ionescu R., Insurance, public assistance and household flood risk reduction A comparative study of Austria, England and Romania, Risk Analysis. (in press)
Toma-Danila D., Armas I. Insights into the possible seismic damage of residential buildings in Bucharest, Romania, at neighborhood resolution; Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering (in press).
Armas I., Toma-Danila D., Ionescu R., Gavris A. Expressing the vulnerability index to earthquake hazard at urban scale. Bucharest case study; Environmental Hazards (in evaluare).
Capitole in Springer
Toma-Danila D., Armas I., Cioflan C.O. (2016) - Conceptual framework for the seismic risk evaluation of transportation networks in Romania (chapter), pp 481-496. In: The 1940 Vrancea Earthquake. Issues, Insights and Lessons Learnt. Proceedings of the Symposium Commemorating 75 Years from November 10, 1940 Vrancea Earthquake. Eds: Vacareanu R. and Ionescu C., Springer Natural Hazards Series, Springer International Publishing, doi 10.1007/978-3-319-29844-3
Osaci G., Armaş I. (2016), Lost Landscapes: In Search of Cartographic EvidenceinMaria Boştenaru Dan and Cerasella Crăciun (Eds): Space and Time Visualisation, Springer, pp 35-62.ISBN 978-3-319-24940-7;DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-24942-1_3;
Conferinte internationale
Necsoiu, M., Armaș, I. and Gheorghe D. 2013: Detecting ground deformation in Bucharest/Romania, using high resolution multitemporal InSAR and TerraSAR-X data, 5th TerraSAR-X/4th TanDEM-X Science Team Meeting, June 2013, Germany
Armaş, I., Gheorghe, D. Prioritization of information using decision support European Geoscience Union – General Assembley Viena, 27.04 – 02.05.2014, Austria,
Gheorghe, D., Armas, I. GIS based decision support system for seismic risk in Bucharest. Case study – the historical centre, Second International Conference on Natural and Anthropic Risks ICNAR 2014, 04.06 – 07.06.2014, Bacău, România,
Armas, I., Toma, D., Gheorghe, D. Quantitative earthquake risk assessment for buildings in the historical center of Bucharest, Second International Conference on Natural and Anthropic Risks ICNAR 2014, 04.06 – 07.06.2014, Bacău, România,
Gavris Al. 2014: " Geography production of tourism through blogging in the city of Bucharest, Romania". IGU, Cracovia, 18-22.08.2014
Bostenaru Dan, M. and Armaș, I. 2014: Die Einwirkung von Katastrophen in der Vergangenheit – Eine digitale Darstellung für die Spuren des 1977 Erdbebens auf das Magheru Boulevard in Bukarest und ihre Wechselwirkung mit Darstellungen für die Stadt Köln, Treffen des Arbeitskreises Naturgefahren/-risiken der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geographie, 10./11.12.2014, Köln
Toma-Danila D., Armas I., Cioflan C.O. - Conceptual framework for the seismic risk evaluation of transportation networks in Romania. National Symposium: 75 years from November 10th 1940 Vrancea Earthquake, 10 noi 2015, Bucuresti, (articol dat spre publicare in ISI Proceedings, Springer)
Toma-Danila D., Armas I. - Computing seismic loss estimates within a big city. Bucharest case study (oral presentation). ECOSMART International Conference – Environment at a CrossrOards: SMART approaches for a sustainable future, 12-15 November 2015, Bucharest, Romania,
Armas I., Gavris Alexandru, Exploring social vulnerability Index in Bucharest at the 2011 census (oral presentation). ECOSMART International Conference – Environment at a CrossrOards: SMART approaches for a sustainable future,12-15 November 2015, Bucharest, Romania,
Diana Popovici, Armas I., Capra Al., Decision management –new ways to make better spatial decision (poster). ECOSMART International Conference – Environment at a CrossrOards: SMART approaches for a sustainable future,12-15 November 2015, Bucharest, Romania,
Organizarea sectiunii “Bucharest – a vulnerable city” in cadrul Workshopului international “Floods, State, Dams and Dykes in Modern Times: Ecological and Socio-economic Transformations of the Rural World” (18-20 June 2015, Bucharest, Romania) in colaborare cu NEC si Institutul de Antropologie
Armas I., Toma-Danila D., Ionescu R., Gavris Al. - Quantitative population loss assessment: Seismic scenarios for Bucharest using 2002 census data. GI-FORUM Conference, 5-8 July 2016, Salzburg, Austria (published).
Toma-Danila D., Armas I. - Computing seismic damage estimates for buildings within a big city. Bucharest case study. EGU Conference 17-22 April 2016, Vienna, Austria.
Gavriș Al. - Geography production of tourism through blogging in the city of Bucharest, Romania, IGU Regional Conference 18-22.08.2014, Kraków, Poland.
Armas I., Gavris Al., - paces of Vulnerability and Transition in a South Eastern European Capital: Bucharest, Romania, RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2016, London, UK, 30 August - 2 September, 2016.